I am currently in my fifth month of treatment for Lyme and co-infections, and I am experiencing some fantastic results.
I feel as though all my hard work and effort that I have put into recovering from this illness is finally paying off. I am no longer experiencing as many debilitating symptoms, I have a lot more energy and my sense of humour along with my natural spark are returning. Every day I am feeling better and better, it is such an incredible sensation! I am now spending a lot less time inside, and more time out of the house - rediscovering old hobbies, soaking up the sun and inhaling the fresh spring air.
I have a new found appreciate for the small things in life!
Wherever I go, I feel a sense of enlightenment within me. I am always so happy whenever I am well enough to enjoy the old things I loved doing with my life. So much so that I find myself smiling at smallest and simplest things in life - such as going food shopping on my own.
I recently started my very own vegetable garden at my grandparents house. I feel so blessed to have the energy to be able to put time and effort into such a thing - something I would have taken for granted in the past.
I have also begun a "Lyme rehabilitation program" at the gym, whereby I undertake a series of light machine based exercises. The routine takes me roughly 30 minutes to complete, and I am aiming to do this routine 2 -3 days a week, depending on how I am feeling.
I am absolutely loving having more energy and enduring less pain. However, I still really need to listen to my body. As I have been doing so little for such a long time (I have pretty much been indoors on the couch/ in bed for the past 8 months), I am becoming very excited about gaining my life back. All I want to do is get outside and do things that normal people do! Sometimes I get so excited that I do too much with my day, and I crash. A lot of my symptoms return and I end up in bed, in pain - I become very frustrated. I am slowly learning to listen to my body and not overdo things!
My aim of this post is to tell all chronic illness sufferers out there that there is hope. After following a strict diet, meditating, receiving treatment from an incredible team of doctors, naturopaths and kinesiologists (message me for details), I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel - and you can too! Although I still experience daily symptoms, I have a major part of my life back and I am now able to do a lot more with my day. I still have a long road ahead of me until I am completely healed, but I am getting closer to making a full recovery with every day that passes.
Don't let disease take control of your life. You need to take control of it! Remind yourself that everything in your life is temporary, and that it will get better!
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