Tuesday, May 31, 2016

My symptoms list

Those with tick borne illness experience a varied range of symptoms, meaning that many people often get misdiagnosed with other illness before receiving the correct illness. Look out for the following symptoms!

My tick borne illness symptoms in relative order: (as of 30/5/16)

-Flu (lasted almost 2 weeks)
-Stomach cramps 
-Tonselitus (first experience with tonselitus)
-Liver pain
-Acid Reflux
-Loss of appetitie 
-Blurred vision
-Loss of energy
-Constant head pressure
-Loss of sex drive
-Erectile Disfunction
-Chronic fatigue
-Sugar cravings
-Numb toes (toes on right foot were completely numb for 3 months)
-Numb face (only the left side would go numb, and my nose)
-Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
-Vertigo (so bad that I was unable to walk)
-Aching joints (started in my hand, and then progressed to feet, toes, knees and hips)
-Aching muscles
-Decreased strength
-Brain fog
-Poor concentration
-Inability to read
-Light & sound sensitivity
-Tingling in hands & feet 
-Sore eyes
-Ear aches 
-Stiff neck
-Numb throat 
-Stiff/aching jaw
-Aching teeth (felt like things were crawling inside my teeth)
-'Out of body' feeling
-Internal vibrating (felt like my entire body was vibrating but to others I was completely still)
-Shortness of breath (would happen out of nowhere)
-Chest pains
-Heart palpitations

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